February 1, 2024
IIDA California Chapters Announce Intention to Enter 2024 Title Act Legislation for Commercial Interior Designers

In a progressive move, IIDA California chapters are spearheading a revolution for California interior design professionals, propelling them into a future where licensure standards reflect the modernized A&D industry. This innovative approach aims to empower commercial interior designers with permitting privileges, following the wave of national recognition and influence.
California commercial interior design professionals have long grappled with outdated regulations overseen by an all-volunteer board lacking the necessary consistency in licensing standards. It’s time to adapt and follow the currents of change sweeping across the nation.
The landscape has evolved since the 1990s, and it’s time for California to catch up. Since then:
- AIA has shifted from outright opposition to a more neutral stance both at the national and state levels, allowing for increased collaboration and dialogue.
- 28 states plus two jurisdictions have legislation in place, with a growing number of states are pursuing permitting privileges.
- SB 816, etched into law in 2023, marks a historic milestone by officially recognizing the designation of a commercial interior designer in California.
Armed with these developments, IIDA is reigniting efforts to carve a voluntary path for commercial interior designers seeking permitting privileges. The focus is on creating a nuanced route tailored to those in the commercial realm without compromising the practices of residential and kitchen-and-bath design colleagues.
At its core, this initiative is about interior designers taking the lead to modernize an outdated governmental structure that reflects current practice and industry standards. Collaboration is key. IIDA’s Northern and Southern California teams are building alliances with key stakeholders, from State Legislature experts to industry peers. The mission? To ensure that commercial interior designers stand tall alongside their industry colleagues.Over the next few months, IIDA is aiming to build consensus, educate the State Legislature, and pave the way for groundbreaking Title Act legislation with permitting privileges. Stay tuned as we keep you in the loop on this transformative journey. Have questions or want to be part of history in the making? Text “InteriorDesign” to 52886 or contact your local VP of Advocacy. Please direct all questions to advocacy@iidanc.org.