Climate Action in Design: Making a Positive Impact

IIDA Northern California believes that as designers, we must work together and act quickly to address the climate crisis. The recent decision by the Supreme Court limiting EPA’s authority to regulate power plant emissions is a huge setback when we have no time to lose. Our Northern California interior design community is voicing our extreme disappointment with the US Supreme Court’s ruling. We must stay focused on reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The EPA shall be allowed to do its job and regulate the energy industry. We are proud to live and work in a state with a forward-thinking climate policy, and we urge our legislators to continue taking bold action. Join us by contacting your elected officials, voicing your concerns, and supporting pro-climate policies. We need to work together and be heard now! Feel free to repost this statement or post your own.
IIDA NC Statement on SCOTUS Decision in West Virginia v. EPA

IIDA Northern California
Climate Action Position Statement

IIDA Northern California recognizes that the effects of climate change severely impact the livelihood of present and future generations. We accept that the Interior Design Profession needs to be committed and accountable to creating positive change through our work. As advocates for healthy, sustainable, and equitable spaces, we challenge interior design professionals and industry partners to take an integral role in tackling climate change and restoring our communities and planet.

IIDA Northern California will inspire, educate, lead, and foster our design community to – be socially and environmentally accountable.

Here’s a first step you can take:
Sign the Interior Design Pledge for Positive Impact

Upcoming Climate Action Events

Events Carousel Block

Past Climate Action Events

Events List Block

May 22 2024
  • Climate Action EVENT
  • Forums EVENT
  • IIDA NC Chapter EVENT
  • Professional Development EVENT
Nov 01 2023
  • Climate Action EVENT
  • IIDA NC Chapter EVENT
Oct 12 2023
  • Climate Action EVENT
  • Forums EVENT
  • IIDA NC Chapter EVENT
Oct 18 2022
  • Climate Action EVENT
  • IIDA NC Chapter EVENT
Apr 21 2022
  • City Center EVENT
  • Climate Action EVENT
  • Continued Education EVENT
  • Forums EVENT
  • IIDA NC Chapter EVENT

Why is Climate Action Important?

The climate crisis is no longer an abstract phenomenon. With extreme weather events and a pandemic raging around the world in 2021, the crisis is hitting closer home than ever before.

What’s more, environmental degradation is hitting vulnerable and disadvantaged communities harder– African-Americans, for example, are 75 percent more likely than others to live near facilities that produce hazardous waste.

The climate crisis is a health issue and an equity issue, and there’s only one way to fight it–lowering the amount of greenhouse gasses we put into the atmosphere.

Metropolis Magazine

Climate Crawl

A gathering of Northern California designers and activists to share climate action initiatives, challenges, innovations and stories.

The IIDA climate action committee is putting together a focus group – a representative from each of several firms in Northern California interested in addressing climate change. There is much that we can do as designers to retool and implement solutions at our firms. Every firm is in a different place in their journey, we feel it would be invaluable to share and learn from each other. Each month a different firm will host the C4 and share successes, challenges, and resources with the group. We are in this together and need to work together if we are going to move quickly to address the climate crisis.

Take a crawl through our conversations and see how our design community is working together to affect change in our community. Visit the Newsroom for all the recaps >>

3 Ways to Get Involved

Stay Informed

For the latest updates on Commercial Interior Design legislation in California, text “InteriorDesigner” to 52886

Interior Design Pledge for Positive Impact

We accept that the Interior Design Profession needs to be committed and accountable to creating positive change through our work.

Sign the pledge

Join our Climate Action Committee

We are actively seeking engaged members for our climate action committee. Join forces to ensure our chapter is leading this cause.


Thank you to our 2023 Climate Action sponsors!


If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for IIDA NC’s Climate Action initiatives, please reach out to our VP of Sponsorship

We have a professional obligation to our peers, the public, and future generations to strive for a just, healthy, and sustainable society.
Verda Alexander | IIDA NC Past President