Vision Board Workshop 2021

We’d like to invite you to join in a special event to manifest your 2021.

Given the year we’ve collectively had, it’s a remarkable time to reflect and set a new vision for what you want to create in the new year. It’s infinitely more fun to do that together (from our homes)!


For those new to manifestation, the idea is that what you put on your board is an idea of something you want in your life. Paste it on and put the board in plain view. Your subconscious mind is then reminded constantly through visual imagery what it’s seeking and sets out to create space for whatever it is you’re wanting to call in.


What to bring:

A poster board (size is up to you!)

Glue stick


A variety of magazines

An open mind

(you never know what you may be drawn to and why and it’s okay not to know!)


Meet our Host

Jess Midden is the Co- Forums chair for the San Francisco City Center and a Brand Ambassador at Corral




Please contact



Wednesday, December 09 2020


5:30 PM


Virtual Event


IIDA San Francisco City Center