Student Portfolio Review
An exciting opportunity to meet others entering the industry and make connections with designers at top firms in the Bay Area. We welcome students and professionals looking for guidance on their interior design career journey!
Our event will focus on:
Professional Review – Have your resume, cover letter, and portfolio reviewed by design professionals and receive valuable feedback. The top three portfolios will be selected to receive a prize and will be promoted on our social media platforms!
Firm Presentations – Feature presentations from 4 of the most coveted Bay Area firms. Don’t miss an opportunity to make personal connections & hear first-hand from these design leaders!
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
All proceeds to benefit our philanthropic partner this year.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Hosted by IIDA
IIDA San Francisco City Center hosted its bi-annual IIDA Student Portfolio event on April 29th at the Haworth showroom and was incredibly well attended by the students and
reviewers. Students were assigned a random station order to provide a varied peer to peer experience which turned out to be a huge success.
The day began with a welcome speech by IIDA SFCC director Jess Midden who introduced IIDA’s 2023 non-profit, Youth Art Exchange. We had the pleasure of hearing from the Director of Education for YAX, Anna Calonje, who shared their mission statement with the group. Following, Jess shared what IIDA is and their commitment to students, as well as introducing SFCC Student Affairs co-chairs, Samantha Lewis and Allie
Koning. This was followed by a lovely shoutout to all our sponsors! A big thank you to Haworth for sponsoring breakfast and a donut wall and providing a student tour of the
showroom prior to the review sessions.
Lunch was sponsored by Studio Blitz and Revel Architects. We also had 5 student stations sponsored by PeopleSpace, IA, and Studio TK.
Thank you all!
Going into the rotations “Spirit Guides”/IIDA volunteers kept time at each station. This ensured a smooth rotation structure for each station distributed around the showroom and also showcased various furniture postures & tech setups. In between rounds, reviewers rated each student portfolio.
Speaking of our reviewers, here was the line up!
Following the reviews, we hosted a great presentation series with a mix of manufacturers and A&D firms. Our presenters were Kristin Guindi from Pair, Denise Darrin from RMW, and Julia Campbell for Quezada Architecture. A Q&A followed which allowed for great conversation between the students and speakers surrounding real world perspective of the industry itself.
To end the day, we surprised the students with a first, second, and third portfolio review
reward and had some amazing numbers! Soojee Choi came in 1st with a 30/30 score, Alexandra Tolovikova came in at 2nd place, followed by Sadafie Masoodi in 3rd.
It’s been exciting to see students already accepting offers from firms coming out of the Portfolio Review which is what we strive for! We were all thoroughly impressed with the quality of portfolios we saw — one of the best rounds of student work to date! We look forward to our fall event and hope you are too! Stay tuned!
Please contact sanfrancisco@iidanc.org
Saturday, April 29 2023
Haworth SF Showoom
220 Bush Street, #Suite 975, San Francisco, CA, 94104