East Bay City Center A+D Book Club

East Bay City Center is proud to present it’s newest series: A+D Book Club! Avid readers, last minute crammers + discussion lovers all welcome! We will plan to discuss any and all parts of the book, but will focus on part 4 for those who anticipate some last minute reading and would like to discuss the most critical section, but no reading required to attend and enjoy. All relevant discussion is welcome!

For our first book, Epidemic Urbanism: Contagious Diseases in Global Cities, is an anthology of case studies that describe how different cultures have handled pandemics in the past using urban planning and design, what has worked and what hasn’t. Join us for a conversation about strengths and pitfalls of these suggestions and how we might improve upon them as designers and industry professionals.


The book can be purchase online order here (https://www.intellectbooks.com/epidemic-urbanism), for kindle here (https://www.amazon.com/Epidemic-Urbanism-Contagious-Diseases-Global-ebook/dp/B09D8DQ4BV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=14897TDSWAGI9&keywords=epidemic+urbanism&qid=1695400262&sprefix=epidemic+urbansim%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-1), or at a variety of other book sellers — please contact eastbay@iidanc.org if you have any problems getting a hold of a copy. 



Thursday, October 12 2023


5:00 - 7:00pm


Hotsy Totsy Club
601 San Pablo Avenue, Albany CA 94706
