Annual Golf Tournament
The annual IIDA Golf tournemnt is here again! Let’s have some fun – come play golf, eat, drink and enjoy company of old and new friends! We have some exciting new additions to this years tournament! We are introducing a Pickleball tournament to this year’s event. So get your rackets ready for a good time!
With our tournament so close to Halloween get ready for some spooky Tee Boxes!
We will be giving away prizes for the scariest Tee Box. Sadly not the scariest golf score.
Please contact info@iidanc.org
Monday, October 28 2024
10:30 AM Shotgun Start Scramble Format
Sequoyah Golf Course
4550 Heafey Road
Oakland, CA 94605
8:00 -9:00 AM Sponsor Arrival and Set Up
9:00 -10:30 AM Registration / Breakfast Served
10:30 AM Shotgun Start Scramble Format
11:30 AM Pickleball Start (More information Forthcoming)
4:00 PM 19th Hole Afterparty
1. Golf registration starts at 9:00 a.m. and shotgun immediately at 10:30.
2. Mulligans will be for sale at the registration table.
Gather your foursomes – it’s time to hit the green!
Registration is open for doubles! Grab your partner – and meet us on the court! Players of all levels are welcome. Interested in learning how to play? We will have a pro to start you off. Registration includes lunch and tickets to the 19th hole afterparty!
For those of you who aren’t avid golfers, you can still join the fun by attending our Clubhouse Social after the golfers have finished. We will have food, drinks and live entertainment. IIDA golfers, sponsors & volunteers will be there – you won’t want to miss it.
Sponsorships are what keep events like this available to our community and we appreciate your generous support of IIDA Northern California. There are several ways you can get involved and promote your business in lieu of or in addition to playing a round:
- Clubhouse Social Sponsor (19th Hole)
- Breakfast & Shotgun Sponsor
- Driving Range Sponsor
- Putting Green Sponsor
- Cart Sponsor
- Tee Box Sponsor
- Prize Hole Sponsors
- Pickle Ball Sponsor
Details for each sponsorship are listed in the registration options on Eventbrite. For questions regarding sponsorship, please contact Kelly Dubisar (kelly_dubisar@gensler.com).